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Paris & London Trip - Day 5 ( Part 1 ) - Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie

Day 5

所以现在我会换成 第X天 ,part X (地点 ), 希望能让你们读得更容易

所以今天醒得早,在 Place D'italle station 买了一些面包,然后从 Place D'italle stationPorte de la villette station(约45分钟)



这里就是 Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie

Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie 介绍

The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie is the biggest science museum in Europe.It is a public establishment of an industrial and commercial character specializing in the fostering of scientific and technical culture. Created on the initiative of President Giscard d'Estaing, its goal is to spread scientific and technical knowledge among the public, particularly for youth, and for creating public interest in science, research, and industry.
It is located in Parc de la Villette in the 19th arrondisement of Paris, France. It is at the heart of the Cultural Center of Science, Technology and Industry (CCSTI), a location for the popularization of scientific culture and technique.
The most notable features of the "bioclimatic facade" facing the park are Les Serres - three greenhouse spaces each 20 metres high and 8 metres wide and 20 metres deep. The facades of Les Serres were the first structural glass walls to be constructed without framing or supporting fins.
About five million people visit the Cité each year. The Cité has a planetarium, a submarine (the Argonaute (S636)), an IMAX theatre (La Géode) and special departments for children and teenagers.
It hosted the 3rd International Salon for Peace Initiatives from 30 May to 1 June 2008.

Features La Cité des Sciences main hall escalatorExplora (levels 1, 2, and 3)
The library of science and industry (Médiathèque, level -1)
City of children (level 0)
Auditorium (level 0)
Louis Lumière theater (level 0)
Planetarium (located between exhibits on level 2)
Numeric crossroads (level -1)
City of careers (level -1)
City of health (level -1)
Meeting place (level -1)
Aquarium (level -2)
Jean bertin hall (level 0)
Condorcet hall (level 0)
Picnic area (level 0)
Post office (level 0)
Store for scientific books and toys (level 0)
Restaurants (level -2)


Part 1 End
Part 2 ( Musée d’Orsay  ) To Be continue
