新 IPAD 终于来了 -- IPAD 11

Movie - Chronicle

电影 - 编年史
导演: Josh Trank
编剧: Max Landis
主演: Michael B. Jordan / Michael Kelly / Dane DeHaan / Ashley Hinshaw / Alex Russell
类型: 剧情 / 科幻
制片国家/地区: 美国 / 英国
语言: 英语
片长: 83分钟
又名: 超能失控(台) / 夺命异能(港) / 超能力纪事


Release Date: 01 February 2012
Language: English
Subtitle: Malay / Chinese
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy
Running Time: 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Director: Josh Trank
Cast: Michael B. Jordan, Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell and Michael Kelly
Synopsis: New technologies and social communities allow us to record, post and comment on every second of our lives, sharing our every emotion and opinion with the world, no matter how mundane. For three high school classmates who suddenly gain superpowers from a mysterious substance, the chronicle of their ordinary lives is about to take on extraordinary turn. Initially they use their powers to play innocent pranks on each other and people around them, but soon they gain confidence and learn to control their powers better to take on more difficult tasks. Their newfound sense of immortality and impunity will force them to evaluate their own morality to ultimately decide where to draw the line about how far they should go.

