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Dia Frampton 音乐会 @ 第二天(第10部分)- 槟城硬石酒店

Dia Frampton Live Concert @ Day 2 (Part 10) -Hard Rock Hotel Penang
Hard Rock Hotel Penang

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拿了饮料后就站在最前线等待 Dia Frampton 出场 。
当Dia Frampton 一上台时 , 虽然我是站在最前面的位置但这班粉丝看到偶像后就一直推啊推 。。 把我和妻子二人本来是站在第一排的被推到尾部 。  > <

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

我很矮的。。 所以当拿出照相机拍照时肯定就只是拍到粉丝们的头 。 这么找啊找都找不到个好地方可让我拍影片或拍照。
这时就找了Danielle Fung 帮忙 , 她就帮我开了光明之路, 这位置完全没人所以我能选择自己喜欢的位置拍摄 。

今天的主题是Dia Frampton 音乐会那当然要好好介绍这位实力派的歌手 。
本名是 Dia Leif Frampton , 生于1987年10月2日, 犹他州 (美国 )。她的父亲是英国和荷兰血统的美国人,母亲是韩国人 ( 难怪会这么像亚洲人 ) 。
她会弹吉他和钢琴, 偶尔也会玩其他的乐曲如牛铃和手鼓或者是电子琴 。
在 2004年 , Dia Frampton 和她的姐姐组成了美国摇滚乐队 " Meg & Dia " Meg 就是她的姐姐 Meg Frampton 而 Dia 就是她自己本身而且她也是乐队的主唱。
在 2011 时也是她灿烂的时刻 , 不断的得奖 。
每当她在台上表演时就有个特别的习惯那就是她都不穿鞋子 。
她也不会喜欢在表演的前两个小时内吃任何东西 。

今天 Dia Frampton 将会为我们带来 15 首歌曲
1. Trapeze
2. Inventing Shadows
3. Daniel
4. Cardigan
5. Heartless
6. Isabella
7. The Broken Ones
8. Losing My Religion
9. Fell Into My Arms
10. 19 Stars
11. Rosy
12. Walk Away
13. Dead Man
14. Don't Kick The Chair
15. Wake Me Up


Hard Rock Hotel PenangHard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel PenangHard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel PenangHard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel PenangHard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

在演唱时就有一幕是 Dia Frampton 突然走下台然后拿走了粉丝的手机后一面唱一面自拍影片 !!! 哇 !!我想那位幸运的粉丝肯定是当晚高兴的睡不着觉 。
当 Dia Frampton 归还手机给这幸运的粉丝时其他的粉丝也高喊要让 Dia Frampton拿走他们的手机 。哈哈

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel PenangHard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

一小时半的音乐会结束后就是问答游戏时间 , 答对的粉丝们都会获得 Puma 产品 。

在这一小时半 , 有很多的笑声因为 Dia Frampton 时不时就会说一些亲身经历的笑话, 逗到个个粉丝们开口大笑 。

她的歌声非常甜美, 是个实力派歌手 , 没有豪华的服装, 没穿鞋 , 没有明星的骄傲。 是个让人很尊敬的歌手

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang


1. Any Future Projects that your fans can look forward to ?
- I'm working on a new album , Also, I am featured on a new song by The Crystal Method .
There are some other projects in the works that i am unable to speak about now , but keep watching my Facebook and i'll let you know all the secrets as soon as i can

2. What are you hoping to take home from your experience in Penang ??
- I'm hoping to meet some new friends . That's always the best part about traveling. I also want to learn as much about the city as possible . I like to eat the local food , learn about the language , religions and culture. It's such great opportunity to learn .

3. What has changed since you started your journey at NBC's talent show ??
- I put out a solo record . That was definitely a big change . Also , i've always been a touring artist, but the voice gave me a jump start platform to a worldwide audiece, which has been amazing , I have toured in many different countries and am currently on tour in china opening for James Blunt.

4. How does it feel opening for James Blunt ?
- It was incredible , It was my first time touring in China . It was also great to watch such a seasoned, talented performer like James . I alway learn so much from watching other artists,
The Crowds were big and very respectful.
I am eager to go back .

5. In your show at Hard Rock Hotel Penang , you share the stage with your sister, Meg Frampton . What's it like working with your sibling ?
It's Great, truly. It's been a while since we have toured together and i couldn't be happier.
It's been so fun to have her on the road with me and in airplanes sitting nest to me when i'm nervous about flying .
She's a true guiding light and someone i look up to very much,
I enjoy spending time with her and hope she want to come back out on the road soon because she's kept so busy at home working on her jewellery line , chandler-the-robot.myshopify.com/

6. If you have a chanve to sing a cover of your favorite song , what would it be and why ?
I'd love to cover a song by David Ramirez . I think his song is called " The Bad Days ". The lyris hit so close to home .

媒体访问就是签名会 !!! 一早就排了长长的队伍 !!!
我呢。。 就没机会和 Dia Frampton 合照 , 让给其他的粉丝们吧
但非常高兴的就是可以一直和吉他手和 Dia Frampton 的姐姐 Meg Frampton 一起聊天拍照 !!

Hard Rock Hotel PenangHard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Hard Rock Hotel Penang

Mr Han (宣传博客) 从来到这里我们就成为了好友 , 有说不完的话题 。 我们也一起玩乐, 聊天 , 拍照。
左边第一位算起是 Han , 吉他手 , 我和 Dia Frampton 的姐姐 Meg Frampton

Danielle Fung 这时就走过来问我和 Han 有没有兴趣尝试新产品 , 这东西呢目前在槟城硬石酒店还没公开给游客使用 , 我们听后当然说好啊。。。之后我们就走到了。。。。。。。。。。

第二天(第10部分)- Dia Frampton 音乐会(完毕)
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